At Your Beck and Call

How often do you need documentation written:

  • Some today, some tomorrow, some later?
  • Some this week, some next week?
  • Plan it now, do it later?
  • A big block every now and then?

Do you wish you could get documentation expertise only when you need it?

We thrive on up-and-down, on-and-off work loads. You call us when you need us and we invoice you for work done.  Just like any other service your business uses. Contracts are not needed except perhaps when you need extra people to work on site.

Whether you need occasional help for your existing writing staff (we can follow their processes and procedures) or you need our full services, we can adapt to your needs.

All the work we do for you will use people matched to your documentation environment.  We follow our standard document production procedure (unless you have a process in place).

In fact, because we can deliver consistent service in your on-off environment, we can be the Documentation Service you have when you are not having a Documentation Service. And we will send you to the right place to get the right people when you are ready to run your own full-time service.

If this sounds like the type of documentation help you need, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit our Contacts page for telephone numbers.

We look forward to being at your beck and call.

Thank you

Reconstruction notice

This site is (slowly) being re-constructed.

If you click on a page and find no content -- don't worry, it will be there soon!

The menus give you an idea of what is coming to the site.

Thank you for your patience.

In the meantime you are welcome to contact me:




