Bible Research Papers

The papers on this page have been placed in a hierarchy of complexity because they tend to build on what has gone before. If you are new to this material you should probably start with the Level 1 material (because physical age seldom corresponds to the education level of the soul - 1 Cor 3:2, Heb 5:12).

Although these papers are arranged in a particular order, they have been written at different points in time. Therefore, newer papers sometimes update older papers and sometimes, when re-visiting an old paper, it may be seen to contain errors. Spotting the error and knowing precisely why it is wrong is a measure of your progress in educating your own soul.

In total, this work records the results of studying the Hebrew and Greek text to determine what God caused to be written. The consequences of the work are often more accurate translations and better understanding. The rules of such work are simple:

 Translations are based first and foremost on the grammar of the language.

 Translations are also based on giving each Hebrew and Greek word the same meaning when used in the same context .

 Unless the new translation can be "seen" within the range of meaning of the verse in the Authorised Version, the new translation is probably wrong.

 No translation, existing or new, can contradict the underlying theme of the Bible (see The Bible's Theme in Brief).

Fundamentally, the Bible is not a book of religon and Jesus did not found any church. The Bible is the history of one race of people and one race only. Other races are mentioned in the Bible only when they cut across the history of that one race. To quote the late Professor C.A.L. Totten:

I cannot state too strongly that the man who has not yet seen that the Israel of Scripture is totally distinct from the Jewish People is yet in the very infancy, the mere alphabet of biblical study and that to this day the meaning of seven-eighths of the Bible is shut to his understanding. (Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright, J.H. Allen, Destiny Publishers)

What you choose to believe after reading these papers is your business. We do not want to "convert" anyone -- this is not a religion. We do not and will not debate an individual's "beliefs". However, discussion based on facts, not personal beliefs, is always welcomed.

Finally, you can read these papers as often as you like, but unless you do some work of your own, such as at least reading the references in their context in the Bible, you will not learn what you need to know. No man can educate your soul, only you can do that by studying the Living Word.


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Level 1

  Phillips, I.R., Who or What Can I Trust?, Sydney, June, 2007. (contains 3 bitmaps)

  Phillips, R.N., The Bible's Theme in Brief, Sydney, August, 1987; Updated: December 1988; March 1993; November 1997; November 2001.

 Kennedy, A., The Exclusivenss of Israel, Sydney, 1998.

 Phillips, R.K., Incontrovertible Facts of the Bible, Canberra, 1973.

 Phillips, R.K., What Saith The Scriptures, Canberra, 1974.

 Phillips, R.N. and Sabben, D.R., The Only-ness of Israel, Sydney, 2011. Update: April, 2015.

 Phillips, I.R., The British Commonwealth and the Commonwealth of Nations, Sydney, April, 2015.

 Kennedy, A., Who is "Born of the Spirit", and When, Sydney, July 2005.

 Phillips, I.R., English Studies. 1: The English Bible Translation, Sydney 1995; Reformatted 2001; Edited 2020.

 The Translators to the Reader — Preface to the King James Version 1611.

 Phillips, I.R., Study Notes: Apostles and Disciples, Sydney, September 1993.

 Phillips, I.R. Parable Versus Proverb, Sydney, October, 1996.

 Phillips, I.R. and Phillips, R.N., Christ - A Meaningless Word, Sydney, September, 1993. Reformatted: Nov 2021. Minor edits: 2017, New ver pedning.

 Phillips, I.R. and Phillips, R.N., Faith - A (Scripturally) Meaningless Word, Sydney, April, 2015.

 Phillips, I.R., Baptism: a meaningless word, Sydney, April, 2015.

 Phillips, I.R., Speaking of Saints, Sydney, April, 2015.

 Phillips, R.K., It is Written, Canberra, Reprinted, 1989.

 Phillips, R.N., Genesis: The Stumbling Block, Sydney, 1982; Errata: June 1991; Updated: December 1996. Minor edits: Jan 2011; Apr 2015. Update in light of later research: Sept 2020; Jul 2021.

 Phillips, R.N., Five Facts?Sydney, August 2010.

 Phillips, R.K., The Families of the Ground, Sydney, 1976; Reprinted: April, 1992; Updated: May 1993; April 2015; March 201; Sept 2020.

 Phillips, R.K., Scripture Rejects The Turin Shroud, Canberra, 1979.

 Phillips, R.K., Stone Seal of the Garden Tomb, Canberra, 1990.

 Phillips, R.K., Truth About Ruth, Canberra, 1976. (see also next paper)

 Phillips, R.K., Ruth and Rahab, Canberra, 1983. (This is the same as the paper above, with additional information.)

 Phillips, R.K., The Bethel Stone, circa Canberra, 1990.

 Phillips, R.K., The Mysteries of God, Canberra, circa 1980.

 Phillips, R.K., Prophecies of Jesus, Canberra, 1974. Reformaated: 2002. Mnor corrections: Oct 2015; 2016; New ver pending.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., What Leaves the Body At Death?, Canberra April, 1993.

 Phillips, R.K., The Paul Controversy, Canberra, 1988. Reformatted: 2006.

Level 2

 Phillips, R.K., Misquoting The Bible, Canberra, circa 1985.

 Phillips, R.K., The Crossing of the Red Sea, Sydney, July 1999.

 Phillips, R.K., The Great Earthquake, Sydney, August, 1998.

 Phillips, R.K., The Location of the New Jerusalem, Sydney, January 1996.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., Hebrews, Sydney, 1991.

 Phillips, R.K., God's Three Bibles, Canberra, circa 1985.

 Phillips, R.K., For Whom is the Kingdom?, Canberra, circa 1985, Updated: 1998.

 Phillips, R.K., For Whom is Salvation?, Canberra, December, 1985.

 Phillips, R.K., Christians and The Gospel of Grace, Canberra, 1988.

 Phillips, R.K., Jonah and The Everlasting People, Canberra, circa 1985.

 Phillips, R.K., Sieges of Jerusalem - Only One More to Come, circa Canberra, 1980.

 Phillips, R.K., The Sword of God, Canberra, circa 1980.

 Phillips, R.K., The Words of Truth, Canberra, 1980.

 Phillips, R.K., Truth About Pentecost, Canberra, 1980.

 Phillips, R.N., Scripture declares all foods fit for consumptions: Fact or Fallacy, Sydney, April 2015. Minor updates: 2016, 2020.

 Phillips, I.R., Phillips, R.K., and Phillips, R.N., The Genealogical Facts, Sydney, October 1993.

 Phillips, R.K., The Gospel Genealogies, Sydney, September, 1995.

 Phillips, R.K., Created and Formed, Sydney, August, 1997; Updated: February, 1998.

 Fairfax, B., Phillips, I.R., Phillips, R.N., Sabben, D.R., and Tulk, D., What Can We Trust: The view of Paul presented by religious critics or the view of Paul presented by the Bible?, Sydney, October, 2008.

Level 3

 Phillips, R.K., British-Israel, Fact or Fallacy?, Canberra, Reprinted, 1990; Updated: March, 1991.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., America-Manasseh - Fact or Fallacy?, Sydney, October, 2000.

 Phillips, R.N., One of the Keys of The Kingdom, Sydney, 1996.

 Phillips, R.N. and Sabben, D.R., Who are: Egypt My People?, Sydney, April 2015; Minor updates: 2016, 2020.

 Phillips, R.N., Second Advent Symbols and Expressions, Sydney, July, 1999.

 Phillips, R.K., The Times of the Gentiles, Canberra, 1978. [see also Times of Nations! below]

 Phillips, R.K., Unveiling The Last Days, Canberra, 1981.

 Phillips, R.K., The Times of the Nations!, Sydney, January, 1995. [This paper is a significant update of The Times of the Gentiles, above.]

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., The Book of Revelation, (Part 1 - Introduction) Sydney, April 1991; Reprinted: April, 1992; Updated: 2012, 2023.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., The Book of Revelation (Part 2 - The Seven Assemblies), Sydney, April, 1992; Updated: 2012, 2023.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., The Second Time, Sydney, January, 1998. Reformated: 2001.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., The Second Time: Newspaper Clipping, Sydney, January, 1998.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., The Firstfruits, Sydney, May 1996.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., Study Notes: Heavens, Heaven, Earths, Earth and Ground, Sydney, April, 1992. Reformated: Nov 2021. Minor update: May 2013; Mar 2023.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., Study Notes: Daughter and Daughters, Sydney, July, 1999.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., The Only Begotten God, Canberra December, 1992; Updated: January, 1993.

 Phillips, R.K., Thou, Thou Art My Son, Sydney, April 1997.

 Phillips, R.K., The Sign of the Sabbath, Sydney, April, 1992.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., The Sign of the Son of Man, Sydney, February 1994.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., Fulfilling Prophecies, Sydney, Sep, 2001. Minor edits: 2004, 2016, 2017, 2021, New ver pending.

 Phillips, R.K. and Phillips, R.N., Who are My Brethren?, Sydney, October, 2001. Updated: April 2015; May 2015; 2016; March 2018; Sept 2020.

 Phillips, I.R. and Phillips, R.N., Sin - it is not for everybody, Sydney, May, 2004. (This paper is has a companion A3 page that makes it easier to study one of the tables as you read the paper. Sin - fold out page)

 Phillips, R.N., The 38 Years, Sydney, July 2005.

 Phillips, R.N., Woman, what have I to do with thee?, Sydney, May 2006.

 Phillips, R.N., Science Explaining the Bible?, Sydney, December 2006. Corrections: January 2007.

 Phillips, R.N., Translation Notes: Galatians 2:1-10, Sydney, October 2008. (See also the companion paper: What Can We Trust: The view of Paul presented by religious critics or the view of Paul presented by the Bible? above)

The material on this site is the copyright of the authors of each paper and should be referenced appropriately when cited in other work.

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This page can be found at and was updated 29/09/21.